Orientation for enrolled students mainly concerns tutoring activities. The Course of Study provides tutors to help students in studying for exams and to guide them through the procedures, thus promoting the regular completion of the course of study.
Tutors are students enrolled in Master's or Ph.D. programmes who help students with their university studies.
DE SANTIS ILARIA ilaria.desantis(at)unifi.it
RODELLA MARIA ANNA mariaanna.rodella(at)unifi.it
BORRELLO MATTEO matteo.borrello(at)edu.unifi.it
TERENZI ALBERTO alberto.terenzi(at)edu.unifi.it
IACCA FRANCESCO francesco.iacca(at)edu.unifi.it
VERGANI MARCO marco.vergani(at)unifi.it
In addition to teaching tutors, the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences also provides orientation tutors, who provide students with useful information to help them find their way in the Study Courses coordinated by the School.
For general information on the School's services, in particular on incoming orientation, it may be useful to contact the School's orientation desk. More information can be found at the following link: https://www.scienze.unifi.it/vp-32-orientamento-in-ingresso.html
University webpage dedicated to ongoing orientation (Orientamento in itinere | UnifiOrienta | Università degli Studi di Firenze | UniFI)